Q&A with Dr Elizabeth Marvel, Academic Director

We are excited to welcome Dr Elizabeth Marvel to our Global Action family! We posed these three questions to her to learn more about her work and role.

How does your current work feed into Global Action’s mission?
My goal in my current work is to strive for excellence in the courses we provide while maintaining accessibility for our students. I hope to bring the exciting developments in academic research and scholarship into our curriculum and to support our faculty in doing the same. The purpose for this, however, must always be to best serve our students. To meet their needs, answer their questions, and equip them for the work God has called them to do is at the heart of Global Action and at the heart of my own research.

What excites you about this new role?
I am excited about travelling to meet our directors, faculty and students—and to teach! I am at my best in the classroom and teaching is what God has made me to do. I am thrilled to get to do this around the world. I am also excited about actually reading all the “saved for later” books in my Amazon shopping cart! As someone who loves the global church, there are many scholars and theologians from the majority world who are doing really exciting work. While I was focused on my dissertation, I didn’t have much opportunity to dive into this world, but now it is actually my job. I am thrilled for the chance to learn from our brothers and sisters around the world, and then to help incorporate their work into our courses for our students.

Does it feel like you have come "home," in a sense, given your childhood and that your parents were missionaries?
Since meeting in college, my husband and I have both been on the path towards working in the church overseas. This path led somewhere unexpected—to Global Action and working from a base in the US while travelling to teach around the world. While it is not what we imagined many years ago, the Lord’s presence and leading has been so clear, and I am excited to have finished my training and begin the work.

Serving the Under-Served in Wartime

With the coming of war in Ukraine, our team was especially aware of the needs of the Roma people who have traditionally been ignored or marginalised by society. Because of our work with leaders like Roma pastor Mykola (pictured above), a 2012 Global Action graduate, we are continuing to ensure this vulnerable population is safe and receiving physical and spiritual care. Thanks to Pastor Mykola, the church is flourishing among this community during a time when hope and faith often seem to be the only thing to cling to. Here is an update in his words:

When the Russian invasion started in February, Global Action supported our vision to meet the Gypsy communities in our small towns and supply them with food and other supplies. Every module I took during my class study was applicable to my ministry. What I didn’t expect is that it was preparing me for the completely unexpected! The tools I learned as a student are now helping me navigate difficult war situations that you do not normally see.

We do not want to stop making disciples!

In March 2022, Global Acton supported our evacuation from Kharkiv when artillery bombardment intensified. We started holding church services in a gypsy Christian church that is pastored by another Global Action graduate. We settled there and then began searching for what the Lord wanted.

In doing this, we discovered that there were a lot of Roma refugee camps in the area. We went out to equip them the same way Global Action equipped us. Now, we have two gypsy churches in the vicinity of Uzhgorod, and this month we are starting programs in those churches. Our team is witnessing life-changing experiences as many gypsies are now seeking God and starting a new life. We aren’t just adding leaders, we are multiplying them!

Since March 2022, Pastor Mykola (pictured far right with our Director Igor Grishajev in red) has founded five Roma men’s groups that consist of 48 pastors and leaders from Roma Christian communities. Most of the pastors are illiterate, but Mykola is a gifted Roma teacher who knows how to use our Foundations material to teach those who cannot read or write. Because he knows the culture, Pastor Mykola is able to deliver the information in a way that is understood and valued. What a blessing he is to our ministry!

Making Disciples in Wartime

When the war started in Ukraine, we found ourselves in new ministry territory. How do we serve in the midst of violence, political unrest, war and danger? We didn’t have answers to any of these questions. We only knew we had to act immediately to support our leaders who were shepherding so many people in need.

Thanks to our strong network of leaders in every corner of Ukraine, our graduates have been able to feed the hungry, house refugees, evacuate civilians from the front lines and provide pastoral care for hurting people. With incredible bravery, they venture right up to the front lines and continue to share the gospel—even in occupied areas. We will share some of their stories with you in this blog. You definitely won't want to miss the video from one of our pastors serving on the front lines!

Beyond all this, what I find so remarkable and inspiring is that in spite of all the urgent needs around them, these Ukrainian leaders are not losing sight of their core mission: making disciples. As they tirelessly work to meet the needs of their hurting communities, they are sharing the hope of the gospel and making disciples. AND they are passionately seeking to equip more leaders so that the important work they are doing can be multiplied. 

We are even seeing this spread outside of Ukraine and into Belarus where, despite many obstacles, a class of 35 students has begun studying the Word of God—with Ukrainian teachers! The gospel cuts across all dividing lines and even brings people together who would typically be considered "enemies." These Belarussians want to learn how to lead and serve well, even under an oppressive dictatorship. Wow! 

Our international team is also excited to welcome Dr Elizabeth (Liz) Marvel as our new Academic Director! Liz is no stranger to mission work, and she brings unique expertise to our organisation, as you can read in our Q&A with her. Liz is a talented scholar with a passion for the global church. She brings additional credibility to our organisation—as well as a heart for preparing men and women for front-line ministry. 

We are so thankful for our supporters who make all this possible. Together, we are making a lasting difference for leaders—and those they serve—in hard places like Ukraine and Belarus. They need us now more than ever. 

For the world,

Lionel Young
Executive Vice President

Divya's Story: A Journey of Redemption

Divya*is one of nine women taking part in the Global Action’s Foundations course in the Andaman Islands. At her request we are not using her real name or showing a picture that includes her because, like many of our students, the path that led her here is filled with heartbreak, hardship and cultural shame. 

At age 34, Divya found herself finally free from an abusive marriage. However, as a single mother she was shunned by her community that still attaches a woman’s worth to her husband. Divya moved to a different town and worked odd-jobs to get by and support her son. During this difficult time, she lost all faith and turned her back on God.

One day a neighbor befriended her. Together, they began to pray. Through this, Divya found peace for the first time in many years. She re-committed her life to Christ and the mission work she hoped to someday do. In fact, Divya had long been looking for an opportunity to formally study the Bible.

“God answered my prayers and is now fulfilling my heart’s desire through Global Action’s GLOMOS program,” Divya says. “I had been praying for such an opportunity for a long time but couldn’t get one until your team arrived with the perfectly designed ready-made biblical studies program for me and my batch mates.”

Divya credits her studies with strengthening her personal relationship with God and equipping her to be a group leader in her church. In becoming a missionary, Divya wants to draw on her own experience to help other destitute, tormented and neglected women by showing them that with God’s love, a better future is possible. Thanks to your support, Divya is able to do the important work she has always felt called to do! 

*Divya is a name of Indian origin that means “divine brilliance.” Our director thought it fit her well!

Join us for a visit to a church in India

I just returned from India where I had the thrilling experience of actually seeing our team in action. A highlight was when I was invited to speak at a church pastored by one of our graduates in South India. Pastor Alok started this congregation with nine people in a crowded village. With no access to theological education, he later found out about our one-year certificate programme and enrolled. It changed his life. It also changed his church. And it is transforming his community!  

I was greeted that Sunday morning with dancing worshippers who led us up to the house of worship. I thought immediately of the Psalms of Ascent: “Let us go up to the house of the Lord.” Several hundred members gathered. The building was so full that doors and windows were left open so that the 100 or more worshippers outside could be part of the service. You can see all of this in the video below documenting my Sunday visit!

After worship concluded (some two hours later!) I walked by a group of people surrounding a water well that had been installed by the church to serve the community. They were taking turns pumping water for each other. Just wow! What a picture of what we are all about at Global Action. And this is only one of the two churches pastor Alok leads. He now teaches in our program so that other leaders like him can have access to a biblical education. 

I continue to witness with my own eyes again and again how equipping leaders changes lives FOREVER, and it transforms communities NOW. Thank you for giving to help us with what I believe is the most important work in the world. 

We are so grateful for your faithful and generous support. Thank you for investing in leaders. They are changing lives forever because of you!

For the Kingdom,

Lionel Young
Executive Vice President

Global Action Expands in Colombia

When Ramiro Rivas Orozco (pictured above: front row, center), his wife and three children answered the call to move from Guatemala to Colombia as missionaries, they were eager to find ways to make a significant impact for the gospel. Global Action was the perfect fit!

Ramiro readily accepted the challenge of expanding Global Action's ministry into Colombia, and immediately began organising four groups of Colombian pastors and ministry leaders to be equipped through Global Action's programme.

Today, 90 students are now gaining a strong foundation in Scripture and biblical leadership with Ramiro as their coordinator and teacher. With an eye toward the future, he is also training five leaders to become coordinators themselves so that the programme can continue multiplying!

Exciting days are on the horizon in South America!

Welcome Dr Dennis Ruano

Dr Dennis Ruano grew up in Guatemala as the son of a pastor, but he had always promised himself he would never become one. Instead, he wanted to become a medical professional and serve God through financial means. Little did he know the Lord would call him to do both!

After studying at a Christian school and graduating as a Bible teacher, Dr. Ruano began to focus on his dream. He graduated from dental school at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala and, in 2003, founded the Guatemala Dental Mission Team. With the support from a network for Guatemalan dentists and a large team of dental students, Dennis began conducting free health clinics to provide dental care to patients in very remote and impoverished rural areas of Guatemala. Dennis and his team serve about one thousand people each year through these clinics.

“We visit communities without access to health services and provide free treatment with the sole purpose of showing God's love and sharing the Gospel. When we provide medical care to others, they experience God’s caress,” -Dr Dennis Ruano

Following the death of his dad, Dr. Ruano was asked to continue his legacy by taking over his father's church. Dennis responded to this call, but he also set up a pastoral team to share in the leadership. He also incorporated his passion for providing medical help into his ministry, and began offering clinics with gospel presentations and Bible training for local children. This work was a natural fit for Dennis, his wife Chochy, and their four children who had long served the Lord together as youth pastors and worship directors, as well as serving through music and concert tours for children.

In addition to his dental practice, medical missions, and pastoral work, Dennis has been serving with Global Action for the past two years as a teacher and coordinator. "I saw that [Global Action's programme] was a very useful and necessary tool for equipping leaders—especially pastors who are in ministry with next to no biblical training," he shared.

Dennis and his family embody the vision and leadership that Global Action is dedicated to multiplying throughout the world. With a strong foundation in the Word of God and a heart for ministry, Dennis uses his unique skills to serve, to lead, and to equip others for ministry.

"The desire of my heart is to continue using my abilities in the service of God, and to help Global Action continue growing in Guatemala and Central America, so that through biblical training and supporting pastors and leaders, we can carry out the Great Commission and be witnesses of the blessings that God has for Latin America."

We are thrilled to welcome Dennis to his new role as Director of Central America. His dynamic leadership will help us equip and inspire even more pastors and ministry leaders in the days ahead.

Exciting Changes in Latin America

This month, I want to share about the exciting changes in store for our work in Latin America!

Latin America is one of our largest and most diverse regions, with students now spread across the Caribbean, Central America and South America. More recently we have even begun equipping Spanish-speaking leaders in the United States! 

In order to keep up with the growing demands for equipping leaders in Latin America, we are we are pleased to announce that we are adding to our leadership team in the region. Yuniel Cruz will continue serving with us as Director of the Caribbean, and Dr Dennis Ruano will join our team as the Director of Central America.

Dennis is an experienced church-planting pastor, teaches in our programme, and is involved in medical missions. A dentist by profession, he has also built a successful dental business in Guatemala City (you can read more about Dennis’ journey below).

These are very exciting days for Global Action! Please keep Yuniel and Dennis in your prayers as they lead us forward in equipping even more Latin American leaders to transform their communities with the gospel.

For the world,

Lionel Young
Executive Vice President 

Growth in South Sudan

I recently spent a week serving as a lecturer in South Sudan and, as always, it was a wonderful opportunity be hands-on in the important work we are doing in impoverished communities.

Nothing gets me more excited than teaching young pastors and leaders in the hard places of the world—leaders like Mario, who you’ll meet below. Mario is one of over 80 ministry leaders in South Sudan who are currently enrolled in our year-long certificate programme.

By the end of the programme, these leaders will be equipped with a strong foundation in Biblical Interpretation, the Old Testament, the New Testament, Introduction to Theology, Ministry Leadership, The Church and Community Transformation, and more. The curriculum is demanding, and it is taught by qualified and experienced instructors. Students are assessed on each course—and they are motivated to learn.

Some of the students—like Mario—dream of continuing their studies. They hope to earn one of the scholarships that Global Action will award in coming years to an outstanding leader to study for their university degree.

Because Global Action is working in the hard places like South Sudan, young leaders like Mario are given a chance they would have never had otherwise. You make this possible! Your partnership is bringing lasting transformation to hard places like South Sudan. Thank you!

For the world,

Lionel Young
Executive Vice President

P.S. Watch the video below for a glimpse into my time in South Sudan and to meet another one of our students!

South Sudan at a Glance

  • 80+ students are attending our established classes in Tonj and Yirol.

  • We are prayerfully preparing to open a third class in the capital city, Juba.

  • Classes are taught by Egyptian teachers in Arabic and English.

  • Although most students speak fluent English, the teachings are also translated into Dinka for those who need it.

Meet Mario from South Sudan

Mario’s contagious smile makes him stand out in a crowd. He is young, about 22 years old, and he is a natural leader. Students were always talking to Mario before and after class, and he seemed to lead the way in break-out discussions, even among his older peers. “He always wanted to stand around me at tea breaks and talk,” Lionel recalled.

Mario has never been to college. He grew up in the Darfur, a region infamous for the genocide that took place there in the early 2000’s. Like most young men his age there, he has witnessed civil war firsthand.

Civil war in South Sudan has made it one of the poorest countries in the world. The UN ranks it at the bottom of countries in the world using the Human Development Index (HDI), which is used to measure things like life expectancy, income level, access to health care, food security, and political stability.

But even living in one of the poorest countries in the world, Mario is no different than any other young man who dreams of doing something special with his life. He is now a youth pastor, and he wants to become a senior pastor someday. He dreams of bringing about change in his country.

Mario rode to class on the back of a "boda-boda," or what we would call a motorcycle. The name boda-boda is derived from an earlier period in African history, when motorcycles were used to quickly transport refugees (who could afford to pay the fare) from “border to border” between countries. It took him 3 hours to get to class, covering roads that are impassable for most cars.

“What I remember most about Mario,” Lionel shared, “was he sat there in class and hung on every word of my lectures. He hardly took his eyes off me.” The only time Mario expressed mild frustration was when a few students wanted a translator; he agreed out of love for his peers, but lamented that it would slow things down—and he wanted to learn all he could.

When asked how the classes are helping him, Mario smiled. “It has changed my life. I have gained a greater faith in the Word of God, and it will help me in the way I preach and teach in the local church.”

Like many of the students, Mario doesn’t want to “get out” of his country. He wants to prepare himself spiritually and intellectually to serve in one of the hardest places in the world: his own community. He wants to do all he can to help, and to see the people of South Sudan transformed through the gospel of Jesus Christ, just as he has been.

Updates from India

When it comes to equipping leaders and supporting the global church, we don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Each of our regions is unique, and each faces distinct challenges and opportunities. Because of this, our work is "tailor made" to best serve the church in each context.

In India, this is illustrated by our new initiative focused on pastors' wives. After observing that many pastors and their families have been going hungry due to the pandemic lockdowns and subsequent lack of tithes, we knew we had to do something.

Our resourceful team in India saw an opportunity for us to support these faithful families by training pastors' wives in tailoring. By providing an additional source of income for these families, pastors will no longer be forced to choose between continuing in the work of ministry or feeding their families.

We are also excited about the many pastors and ministry leaders who are currently being equipped through our Foundations programme all across India, including a class of 22 leaders on the remote Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Your support makes all of this possible. Thank you!

Recognising Amit Mondal

Celebrating 20 Years of Service

This month we would like to congratulate and thank Amit Mondal for his 20 years of service with Global Action! Amit is our Director of South Asia, and brings such excellence, creativity, passion, and Christ-like leadership to our ministry.

Based in Hyderabad, India, Amit first began working with Global Action in an administrative role. His leadership qualities quickly became apparent, and he started taking on more responsibilities, coordinating programmes, and communicating with local pastors and leaders.

“I began to understand and see the bigger picture of Global Action's mission. The first thing I realised and learned is that the church is not just about the size of a building, but it is about the people and the community we serve. Being a mission leader, everything you do should connect the church to the people and lead them in the right direction to expand the kingdom of God.”

Amit says he’s most proud of the work Global Action does in rural areas where he sees needs are the greatest. Seeing strong foundations being built in communities and hearing personal stories of how the gospel is at work in people’s lives reminds him every day that, “We are on the right track.”

Tailor Made

Like most places, India is coming out of two hard years in the pandemic. For many, daily life seems to be resuming, but for the "daily wagers" - or working class - the return to normalcy is much slower. Ongoing unemployment coupled with a decrease in tithes and services has many of our alumni and their families still struggling to put food on the table.

Recognising the need to for an immediate and reliable income stream, Global Action worked to establish a new sewing class that aims to equip pastors' wives with professional skills and financial stability. While the course is primarily focused on helping pastors' wives supplement the loss of income due to decreased tithes following the pandemic, we found the need was also significant for other vulnerable women in the community, like Aruna (pictured above).

Aruna tells us she did her best to make ends meet by working as a housekeeper after her husband died. It was the only job she believed an uneducated widow could do. But when COVID broke out, she lost the job that had been the only source of income for her family.

“Your team has made me realise that I am not born to just be cleaning and washing the dishes. In the right time your God gave me this opportunity to train myself with life sustainable skills so that I can support my family without needing to depend on anyone. I am going to work hard to train myself. Someday, I might be a help to another lady.”

Nearly 20 women are now taking part in the course. The women are in the early stages of learning to sew and soon will be able to mend and make new clothing. There is already a need for more classes in other communities!

With your support, Global Action will work to set up additional centres equipped with sewing machines and instructors to provide more women the opportunity to grow their skills and serve their community.

Looking Beyond the Crisis

I just returned from a trip to Ukraine with one of our board members. What an experience! Wow! We had the privilege of meeting face-to-face with many courageous church leaders in a place that is right in the middle of a war. I continue to be amazed by the strength and dedication of the people of God.

Even as these pastors shepherd their congregations through the hardships of war and economic turmoil, they are filled with vision. They are looking beyond the crisis of the present moment, toward what the church will need after the war.

"How do we help the church thrive in this new context?" This is what is top-of-mind for Ukrainian church leaders, even as war continues to ravage their country.

And what the church will need is more leaders.

Right now, our main focus in Ukraine continues to be providing emergency aid to people in need through our pastoral network there. However, we are also listening to the Ukrainian church as they plan for the future. At their request, we are already making preparations to continue equipping leaders in Ukraine and Eastern Europe—even THIS year.

Thank you for partnering with us to serve the church in Ukraine. Without our supporters, none of these leaders would have been equipped with a solid biblical foundation for facing this crisis. And without our supporters, we would not have been able to partner with these leaders to serve the hurting people in their communities. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We are very grateful to those of you who have given so generously. On behalf of the church, I want to say a big thank you. To those who have been planning to do something for Ukraine, it’s not too late. The war in Ukraine is still a reality for our brothers and sisters in Christ—and we are working hard to help them. Please join us.

A Firm Foundation for South Sudan

Did you know that Global Action is now equipping leaders in the world’s youngest country?

Formed out of a civil war in 2011, South Sudan is a country facing immense challenges and opportunities. In the year 1900, the region that is now South Sudan was considered to be 0% Christian, with only about 100 followers of Jesus (mostly foreigners). By 2020, that number had increased to 8.4 million people, or 62% of the population!

Despite this astronomical growth in the number of Christians, there is only one evangelical seminary in the entire country. This means that the vast majority of South Sudanese churches are led by pastors with no biblical training whatsoever—and sometimes without even a Bible. This is what makes Global Action’s mission in this country so imperative.

In December 2021, we announced that we were preparing to launch our first class in South Sudan. We are pleased to report that this class is now successfully underway, with 60 students and a very dedicated teaching staff. The students read their manuals in English, the Egyptian Evangelical instructors teach in Arabic, and an interpreter translates the class into Dinka, the heart language spoken by most of the students. It truly is a team effort.

Together, we have the opportunity to help lay a firm foundation for the booming South Sudanese church. Thank you for partnering with us.

Spotlight on Zimbabwe: Abigirl's Story

Although Abigirl Changu may seem quiet and reserved when you first meet her, her voice and eyes come alive when she begins talking about her mission. Abigirl is one of 120 students in Global Action’s Foundations leadership training program in Zimbabwe. While her journey is just beginning, her main mission right now is studying the Word and understanding it so she is better equipped to serve the people in her church and wider community.

The youngest in a family of seven, Abigirl was raised in the Roman Catholic church. Reflecting thoughtfully on her childhood, she recounts how she was taught the Bible but never invited to study it for herself. Because of this, Abigirl felt like she never really grasped the Scriptures. Upon marrying her husband Obert, she began attending a Baptist church. She felt called to go deeper in her understanding of Scripture, and this year she enrolled in one of the 22 classes Global Action is offering in Zimbabwe. Finally, the Scriptures are beginning to have real meaning in her life!

Abigirl partners with her husband, who is a pastor, to lead Bible studies and provide discipleship and counselling for church and community members. Their passion is teaching the word of God, especially to young people (including their 3-year-old daughter Nicole) and to young couples.

They carry out this work in the high-density, low-income areas of Mbare and Sunningdale, both located in the capital city of Harare. With a combined population of about 850,000 people, the unemployment rate is at a staggering 90% as families struggle to put food on the table and pay school fees for their children. Many households lack running water, and some are comprised of single mothers or grandparents taking care of children whose parents have died from HIV and AIDS.

Abigirl and Obert are passionate about reaching these communities, eager to teach others how to faithfully understand, share, and live out the Bible. With your support, Global Action is looking to start several more classes in under-served areas such as these.

“We desperately need leaders who will bring the true gospel to these communities,” explains Buhe Mativenga, Global Action’s Director in Africa. “There are many false prophets and teachers in this area, and they are not bringing lasting change to people’s lives. A group of well-trained leaders will have a transformational impact on the community.”

Join us in thanking Abigirl and Obert for their dedication! With your help, Global Action will continue to lift up leaders like them to spread God’s Word and love in Africa.

Ukraine Crisis Update

20 April 2022

I think I missed the seminary class on how to pastor a church in the middle of a war.

In recent weeks I have been turning to the past, trying to learn what I can from the faithfulness of God’s people during global conflicts. I have also been learning from my brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine, who are remaining “steadfast” and “immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” in the middle of war.

Global Action equips leaders in their own countries to serve their churches and cities. Today, the pastors and ministry leaders we have equipped in Ukraine are asking for our help. In the video below, we take you inside one of the many churches that have turned their buildings into centers for displaced people fleeing the war zones. I preached in this particular church a couple of years ago and enjoyed a meal with Pastor Dima. He is serving with joy!

 Our main focus right now is getting pastors like Dima the resources they need to serve in this time of war. They are mobilising their churches to provide food, water, shelter, first aid and essential baby products. They are providing emergency transportation for people who are in cities that are under siege, putting their lives on the line for the most vulnerable. Everywhere they go, they are also providing pastoral care for people who are in need of hope.

We can share with you that some of the pastors in our network have had their churches destroyed by bombs and have had to find shelter in other locations. A small number have been arrested by Russian authorities in the east, and at least one of our pastors has been forcefully deported along with members of his congregation. We are hearing widespread reports of pastors who are serving with courage and confidence in the face of danger. We have been asked to refrain from reporting names at this time—though we are looking forward to sharing those stories with you.

We are thankful for your generous giving to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine. We have been greatly surprised by the generosity of God’s people. If you or someone you know wants to help, please click on the link below. 100% of your gift will go to our Ukraine Emergency Fund. We will also be reporting to our donors, letting you know how your giving is being used. We take it seriously. Lives are at stake—eternal lives—and we are working hard to save as many as possible.  

Pray for Igor Grishajev, our Director in Eastern Europe. He is doing well, and has been travelling throughout large portions of the country. Pray for God to give him wisdom and safety as he leads.

More to come,

Dr Lionel Young
Executive Vice President
Global Action

Ukraine Response

Thank you for your ongoing support of Global Action. As one of our partners, we wanted to give you an update.

Thus far, our team in Ukraine is safe. And even in the midst of the turmoil, they are hard at work. The church is hurting, and we are responding by providing emergency relief for Christians in Ukraine. Our Director of Eastern Europe will be coordinating these efforts with Global Action pastors throughout the country. Thank you for praying for wisdom and protection for these courageous leaders.

We have witnessed the Ukrainian church standing strong through many hardships since we first began working there in 2005, and we continue to be amazed by their bold faith and resilience today.

Please continue lifting the church and all the people of Ukraine before the throne of grace. Our God is faithful, and we place our hope in him. As Psalm 34:18 reminds us, "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."

For the Gospel,

Rick Thompson

Ukraine: Hope in Hardship

The situation in Ukraine is tense and unsettling. But even in the brokenness of the world, our God is still sovereign. This truth gives us hope and a reason to rejoice in the midst of turmoil. In fact, we know from history that God often uses hardship to strengthen his church and to draw people into a saving relationship with himself.

The Ukrainian church is no stranger to hardship, and our team there is boldly moving forward with plans to equip pastors and leaders in Ukraine, Belarus, and Hungary. Now more than ever, church leaders in the region need a solid foundation in the Scriptures so that they can lead their churches through whatever trials lie ahead. We are determined to help these brave leaders shine brightly in their communities.

Join us in praying for wisdom and protection for our Director of Eastern Europe, Igor Grishajev, as he leads our team through this season. Pray especially for our new class in Belarus, which is scheduled to begin next week in a very tense area.

Please pray also for each of the Ukrainian pastors and ministry leaders who have studied with us. Pray that they would stand firm in the gospel and to be filled with the peace of Christ. May they lead well and spread the Good News in our hurting world. 

For the Gospel,

Lionel Young
Executive Vice President