How are Global Action Staff Investing?

Investing in Excellence: Dr. Elizabeth Marvel

2025 marks an exciting change for Dr. Elizabeth Marvel as she pivots to using her expertise in missions and education in her new role as Global Action’s Chief Mission Officer.

During her years with Global Action, Liz has embodied Christ’s teaching in her high standards of truth in handling the Word of God alongside her radiant and disarming teaching style. Liz’s leadership with Global Action and her teaching at Baylor University are deeply motivated by her love for Jesus and her desire to see his kingdom come in the hearts and minds of students.

One of Liz’s specific areas of focus will be pursuing validation for our programme through an organization called Re-Forma, in partnership with the World Evangelical Alliance. Validation with Re-Forma will help us better measure the essential outcomes of our programme in the lives of our students. It will also help us meet an increasing need for pastors in Africa to have a recognized certificate in order to legally lead a church. Liz is passionate about giving our students the absolute best equipping that we can offer, and by investing in the work of validation we will give them a gift that lasts.

“Liz’s work [on validation] has been a ray of hope for our work on the continent, as it is becoming increasingly important for pastors and church leaders to have a validated certificate in order to lead churches,” observes Buhe Mativenga, Global Action’s Director of Africa. “Over 90% [of pastors] do not have this, so the drive towards validation will be pivotal for our organization.”

Dr. Marvel also travels to various Global Action locations around the world, where she teaches seminars on topics such as Women in the History of Christianity. Her warmth and passion interacting with church leaders through her phenomenal teaching is truly changing lives.

We look forward to seeing Liz’s tremendous investment in the leaders we serve.

You can read more about Liz here.

“In cultures where women are often suppressed in their homes and churches, [Dr. Marvel’s seminar] brought light and hope to realize how the Lord has used women throughout the ages to accomplish His plan. Many women are saying that the whole church needs to know this as it has brought light and freedom to many of them.”

—Buhe Mativenga, Director of Africa

Investing in Strategy: Bailey Bada

Bailey has served in a variety of roles throughout her seven years with Global Action, from connecting with our donors, to leading vision trips, to sharing stories of impact—and much more! The many hats she has worn have given her insight into all aspects of Global Action’s work, along with the opportunity to build deep relationships with our global team.

Effective this January, she is transitioning to her new role as Director of Operations and Strategy, in which she will serve as a central hub for the various departments of the organization. She is eager to apply her extensive intercultural experience to the important work of casting vision and ensuring that we are carrying out our mission as effectively as possible.

You can read more about Bailey here.

“At Global Action, we are brimming with possibilities and open doors all over the world. The demand for our programme is high! By investing significant time this year into carefully evaluating our priorities and direction, we will position ourselves to grow strategically into the places of greatest need where we can make the biggest difference.”

—Bailey Bada, Director of Operations and Strategy

Investing in Development: Rich Griffith

This past October, Global Action welcomed Rich Griffith into a new role as Chief Development Officer. Bringing his pastoral background from the past two decades including various vision trips around the world, he has enthusiastically jumped into building strong relationships with donors and developing church partnerships.

He is passionate about Jesus Christ and desires to contagiously engage others in the biblical mandate to be His witnesses. Rich loves how God is not only transforming hearts around the world, but also calling North Americans to step out of their comfort zones and into God’s larger plan.

Prior to his ministry experience, Rich played seven years in the NFL (National Football League, the top professional American football league in the US) as a tight end and long snapper for the New England Patriots and the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Strong team dynamics, actualizing growth both personally and organizationally, and fervour for the mission are no strangers in his life experience!

Rich has embraced the specific calling of equipping local church leaders with zeal, and is already an active spokesman for the work Global Action is doing to participate in the Great Commission.

Rich has been married to his wife Keri for over 30 years, and they have four adult children. Rich resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

You can read more about Rich here.

2025 Theme: Invest

The Wisdom of Investing: The Heart of Why We Equip Leaders

What does it mean to invest?

In its most basic sense, investing means making a short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. We talk most often about financial investments, which require setting aside money now in order to reap far greater rewards in the future. Investing requires wisdom, intentionality, and patience. It can be hard to wait! But we do it, because we know the gain will far outweigh the cost.

At Global Action, we view our work as an investment. There are countless needs around the world that we could try to meet, so many causes we could champion. But like the good servants in Jesus’ famous parable of the talents, we want to invest our resources and energy into that which we believe will bear the greatest long-term fruit.

That is why we are laser-focused on equipping pastors and ministry leaders in the hard places of the world—we know it will pay off!

By raising up leaders with Christ-like character, a deep understanding of Scripture, and competence in essential ministry skills, we are investing in the future flourishing of entire churches and communities. That is quite a return on investment!

Thank YOU for choosing to invest with us in leaders so that they can transform their communities with the gospel.

A Historic Opportunity on the Subcontinent of India

India has recently surpassed China as the most populous country in the world, with a population of 1.4 billion people. Sadly, over 95% of India’s population is still considered unreached with the gospel. 2,100 of the more than 2,300 unique ethnic people groups in India still have no significant gospel witness.

What an incredible opportunity for the global church to work together to meet this significant need!

While the current political climate is unfavorable to western missionaries, local Indian churches and ministry workers are committed to carrying out the Great Commission amongst their own people.

At the Lausanne 4 Conference back in September 2024, leaders from India gave first-hand accounts of a growing church in the midst of tragedy and triumph.

Leading with Excellence: Saru’s Story

Saru is one of those gospel workers in India who is using her gifts and platform to spread the gospel. Saru’s story vividly illustrates how the church can thrive even in the hardest places.

“I am Saru… I am a teacher, trainer, and counsellor…Additionally, I head the counselling department as a counsellor and serve as a faculty member at Global Action,” she introduces.

“I was born into a Hindu Brahmin family in Nepal, where I was deeply devoted to my faith. As part of my educational journey, I was sent to India for further studies. It was there, at the age of 16, that I encountered Christ and accepted Him as my Saviour. Two years later, at the age of 18, I was baptized, and on that same day, I received God’s call to ministry. I embraced that call wholeheartedly and began serving in various capacities.”

Having come to faith in Jesus and answered the Lord’s call to ministry, Saru sought out theological and practical training. She completed Global Action’s Foundations programme, where she was inspired to continue her studies in a Bible College. “This decision was driven by my desire to serve and strengthen my community and the church, helping them grow in their ministry.”

Saru went on to pursue advanced degrees to match her heart’s devotion to leading among the Indian people with excellence. Today, she splits her time working full time with another ministry and part-time with Global Action as a coordinator and teacher.. She even received a personal invitation to the exclusive Lausanne IV Conference in South Korea last month because of her reputation in the missions community!

“My heart has always been set on equipping churches and communities for greater ministry impact, and I look forward to continuing this journey of service.”

While the vast majority of India’s massive population is still unreached with the gospel and the situation for Christians is challenging, by equipping leaders like Saru we have an incredible opportunity to bring lasting transformation through the gospel.

“Saru, after completing our Foundations programme, discovered a powerful vision to serve the Lord even more. [She] completed her Masters degree ... partnered with us, passionately training and empowering new leaders in the ministry.”

—Amit Modal, Regional Director of South Asia

Seed Falling on Good Soil: A Hundred-Fold Increase in Ukraine

When Jesus taught about sowing seeds and fertile soil, he said, “As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty,” Matthew 13:23 (ESV). We see this so clearly in the life of Iryna.

Iryna graduated from the Foundations program in 2010. After her graduation, Global Action staff continued to invest in her as a leader, and she eventually became a Foundations coordinator in her region. As a key contact among networks in her area, she was able to bring the Foundations course to her region of Dnipro in Ukraine.

As she was further equipped with theological education and practical ministry tools, she began to serve incarcerated women and young people, impacting hundreds of women and youth in prisons.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 drastically changed the landscape of the church. Equipping church leaders became more urgent as the nation faced the devastation of war. Iryna has continued her fruitful ministry, pivoting to take care of God’s people by equipping other leaders to provide trauma-informed care in the midst of crisis.

As a Christian psychologist and qualified trauma training teacher, she is applying her Biblical knowledge in her context with expertise. To date, she has equipped 100 Ukrainian leaders to provide trauma-informed care.

Current events also have brought the opportunity to serve the population of people displaced by the conflict. Iryna has served 200 refugees in her region, restoring purpose and hope by giving them trauma training. The adversity they face is real, and God is using their testimony and experience of endurance to bring about his light in the midst of darkness.

We celebrate labourers like Iryna, who continue bearing a “hundredfold” fruit even a decade after having graduated from our programme. They are changing the world!

Marginalized to Embraced: Welcoming in Jesus’ Name

The Roma people (also known as gypsies) have suffered marginalization, persecution, and sometimes even enslavement or systematic extermination in Hungary and other European countries for hundreds of years. Even today, they face injustices and prejudice in almost every aspect of public life. Despite their marginalization by society, they are embraced by Jesus Christ—and he is raising up European church leaders to display that love.

Sasha and Angela graduated from Global Action’s Foundations programme in 2018. Armed with theological training and an understanding of Christ’s heart for marginalized people, they began to share the good news of Jesus with the Roma people in the surrounding area. This ministry continues today, and their influence is extending to the next generation.

One of the ways they serve the Roma people is through hosting summer camps. Just a few weeks ago, they wrapped up another summer camp where they poured into 40 children with the love of Christ. These children came from a variety of backgrounds, including Roma from Hungary and Ukraine, as well as children displaced by the war.

In addition to their work with the Roma, Sasha and Angela have also planted two churches, and they are dedicated to raising up even more effective church leaders to multiply the impact. They are accomplishing this by equipping other leaders in their churches with Global Action’s course material.

Embracing marginalized children with the gospel, planting churches, and raising up even more church leaders is worth celebrating! Eastern European leaders like Sasha and Angela are truly changing the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Celebrating 20 Years of Equipping Leaders in Eastern Europe

We are celebrating 20 years of resilience in Eastern Europe. Jesus told us that his people will encounter “wars and rumours of wars,” but he also told them to remain faithful until he returns. The church around the world is doing just that. And your giving is blessing suffering Christians.

We are grateful for you. Thank you for working with us to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. We love and appreciate you so very much!

In Christ,

Bob Smith, Chairman of the Board

Revival in Cuba

There’s a revival going on in Cuba right now—and your giving is helping fan the flame!

One of the things I love about my job is that I get to go and see first-hand what God is doing in the world. I have devoted many years of my life to the study of world Christianity at the academic level, but there is nothing like actually seeing what you have been reading about! As Gandalf said to Bilbo in The Hobbit (film edition): “The world is not in your books and maps. It’s out there.”

And “out there” revival is happening in Cuba. Here is the short version. In the 1990s, Castro decided to allow Christians to build “house churches.” It was a reversal of his decades-long commitment to atheism. It may have been a political move designed to make the government look “friendly” toward religion while keeping religion under control and out of sight. In houses.

But then the Spirit came blowing in like He did in Acts 2 and it confounded everyone. The church began to grow—and it grew rapidly.

When I was there recently, I asked a Cuban church leader what happens when a house church runs out of room. He looked at me with a smile and said, “We multiply.” And that is how it is happening. It’s pretty amazing. And even historians are rewriting the textbooks on Christianity in Cuba.

I’ve read the books and seen the maps—but it was inspiring to go “out there” and see it! “The devil is God’s devil,” Luther once quipped provocatively. By it he meant that the Almighty Sovereign of the world takes Satan’s evil schemes and turns them around for good. He’s that amazing.

Where does Global Action come in? We have been asked to help educate the house-church pastors because they cannot keep up with the demand. That’s how we are fanning the flame. And your sacrificial giving is making it happen. Enjoy the stories below. Let them encourage you. God is at work in the world!

In Christ,

Lionel Young

Executive Vice President

Connecting Passion with Knowledge

Veronica and Rafael (names changed for security purposes) live in the eastern side of Cuba where they are part of an isolated rural church family. While they had spent years within the church, reading their Bibles, and working in the secular workforce as professionals, they longed for tools to equip them to serve more effectively as church leaders.

“We need to be prepared, we’ve never taken a class. We’ve been part of the church for a long time, but we have no training,” the two shared.

One of their pastors serves as an instructor in the Global Action Foundations program. He noticed their influence in their church community and their sincerity in their love for God. “The Lord wants to use you!” he encouraged them. Taking his encouragement to heart, they enrolled in the Global Action programme and began deepening their understanding of the Bible and ministry practices.

Now having graduated in October of 2023, Global Action’s Director of the Caribbean commented that “before they had only their hands, the desire…, but now they have the tools. They are equipped in principles about the Bible, how to interpret the text, how to prepare a sermon, how to prepare a Bible study, and tools to lead the church.”

Veronica still continues her work as a lawyer in Cuba, and both are actively leading their church in a remote one-road village. As Director Yuniel Cruz observes: “This is not a road anyone wants to drive. It’s rough terrain through a desert. The people are farmers, there is no other church anywhere nearby. There is no economic thriving. But this is how they are reaching our people. They are professionals in the secular world, but they embrace God’s calling.”

Rafael and Veronica celebrate their milestone accomplishment of completing the 9-month Foundations course with Global Action. While we thank God for the projected 385 Global Action graduates in Cuba this year, hundreds more are on waiting lists for the opportunity to be equipped.

Buildings in remote parts of Cuba are constructed using traditional techniques and materials from Royal Palm trees. Thatched leaves create the roof and palm wood provides structure, such as in this house church. Despite a government hostile to church planting, the body of Christ in Cuba is growing by about 385,000 new believers per year. These new followers of Christ each desperately need leaders equipped in the Word of God.

Shepherding the Flock

What is the greatest need of the church in Cuba?

“Their greatest need is hope,” Global Action Director of the Caribbean, Yuniel Cruz, states simply. While Cubans are coming to faith in droves, “the people are living in desperation and poverty, sickness, no hospital, limited medicine. The church is an answer for many people who need it. The church also is a place for joy, to hear and see something different than bleakness around them. Church offers programming for children and elderly, stocking basic medicine. The church is the answer for many of these needs.”

The churches where Global Action has equipped leaders are intentional to take care and provide for not only physical needs, but also spiritual needs. The church has the good news for people living in isolation and poverty: His name is Jesus Christ.

The explosive church growth in Cuba urgently necessitates trained leaders.

The ABCs at the heart of Global Action’s programme are to be accessible, biblical, and contextual. We equip leaders with no access to theological training so that they can be powerful ministers of the gospel in their own communities. These indigenous shepherds know their own flocks, and with your support they are able to feed and guide their flocks in faithful Christlikeness.

Snapshots of Transformation:

Foundations Classes in Cuba

Come join us on Facebook and Instagram! We’re sharing stories and encouragement throughout the week highlighting Global Action graduates.

Impact Spotlight: Pastor Sasha in Ukraine

Pastors and ministry leaders around the world experience a myriad of trials: war, displacement, violence, poverty, hostile governments, persecution, and more. Deep roots in Christ anchor them through the crucibles of affliction, equipping them to be beacons of hope in their communities.

Pastor Sasha is one example of this. He graduated from Global Action’s programme in 2010, and pastors a church in Northern Ukraine. His town was occupied by the Russian army, and he and his family personally witnessed many atrocities committed against their neighbours. When their town was liberated, Sasha immediately reached out to Global Action—not to request material assistance, but to ask that we bring our Foundations programme to his town to equip more church leaders with deep roots.

Throughout the occupation, he remained strong in the Lord and stayed focused on serving his church and community. Sasha is now equipping more leaders so that they can be beacons of hope and stability.

Strategic International Staff Retreat

Earlier this year, our executive team, regional directors, and other Global Action staff gathered in Waco, Texas for our annual staff retreat. This was the first time all five regional directors had the joy of meeting face-to-face! Although they work across five continents, each share a unified heart of equipping local leaders to change the world for Jesus Christ. During our days together, we were privileged to share worship, fellowship, workshops, and strategic planning.

The benefits of this yearly in-person gathering are incalculable. Team relationships are strengthened, burdens are lifted in prayer, joy is multiplied in collective praise, and ministry tools are sharpened. Our regional directors oversee large teams and geographical areas, so the ever-deepening of their spiritual roots and vitality of their faith in Christ are of highest priority. The mutual edification in Christ of our Global Action team pays dividends far into eternity.

The five amazing directors in the first photo have already helped equip more than 1,700 leaders so far this year. This is the first time they have ever been together in one place! Dr. Liz Marvel led our team in discussions on learning and how we can continue ensuring that our students receive the best possible biblical education—one that will change their lives forever. Regional Directors like Igor Grishajev gave updates and shared their visions for the future in their areas. Our team enjoyed a wonderful week together—and some delicious Texas BBQ! We love our team! We are so thankful to each of our supporters for making our ministry possible.

Mid-Year Impact Report

We exist to equip leaders around the world to transform their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And you are helping make that happen. We currently have more than 1,700 students studying in our program in Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and Latin America. This is happening because of YOU. We are so thankful.

What you are investing in is strategic. Jesus often withdrew from the crowds to spend time with his small group of disciples. It was not a waste of time. He knew that this was the way to change the world. Remember he was called “Rabbi,” a Hebrew word that means “Teacher.” Jesus was following a commonly accepted tradition in the ancient world. Spend time with a few committed students—and they will go out and teach others.

And we know what happened next. The disciples went out and turned the world upside down.

We are continuing in this tradition—with some 90 locations around the world—by equipping students in intimate classroom settings to go out and transform their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a snapshot below of the places we are working—places where experienced “Rabbis” are spending time with students preparing them to go out and change the world!

Your giving is making this happen and we are so thankful. Thank you for your faithful and generous giving. You are having an impact around the world!

On behalf of our Team,

Lionel Young

Executive Vice President

Mid-Year updates from around the world

2024 has already been a busy year for our team around the world! Here are some quick snapshots of our impact by region:

Thank you

We want to thank you so much for your faithful giving as we continue to equip leaders around the world in 2024.

From Jerusalem to Guatemala, to the ends of the earth

From Jerusalem to Guatemala, to the ends of the earth

Dr Lionel Young III, our Executive Vice President, recently piloted our newest World Christianity course in Antigua, Guatemala, a course in applied church history. In this blog post you can read all about this exciting new module and be inspired by stories of individual students - like Herman, Marbely and Jhonatan - who each overcame significant challenges and are now using their experiences to bless others.

We hope that you will see why we are thrilled with this new development in our work of equipping church leaders to the glory of Christ and the building up of his church.

Video - Pastor Alok in India

We have some amazing people on the Global Action team around the world! 93% of our nearly 160 faculty members are from the regions where they teach, like Pastor Alok featured in the video above. They are well-educated, experienced servants of the gospel with a passion for raising up more workers for the harvest. Click the video above to hear Pastor Alok's inspiring story.

Equipping Workers for the Harvest

Pastor Vijay’s Story

Pastor Vijay was raised in a non-Christian home in India. Eager to learn more after he came to Christ, he enrolled in a theological programme where his calling to ministry was confirmed. He returned to his village and planted a house church, which flourished and quickly grew in numbers. One day, a group of anti-Christian extremists came and broke up their gathering. “I felt helpless,” Pastor Vijay recounted.

In response, he decided to form a local group of pastors that would stand together and support one another in the hardships of ministry. These leaders were committed and sincere, and their hearts were burdened for reaching the lost and unreached. Many would even walk miles from one village to the next to preach the Good News.

But most of these pastors were first-generation Christians like himself, and Vijay soon learned that they had never attended any kind of biblical training. He grew concerned about the quality of their teaching. If they don’t have good roots in the Word of God, how effectively can they share it? They work so hard to spread the gospel, and Vijay longed to find a way to equip his fellow ministers with the tools they needed to reap a harvest.

Global Action was the answer. “This is it!” Vijay exclaimed when he learned we were coming to his area. “God heard us.” Vijay partnered with us to teach a class of 22 pastors and leaders, giving them the priceless gift of a firm foundation in Scripture. “We are even more excited to do what we have been called to do,” says Vijay.

We are even more excited to do what we have been called to do.
— Pastor Vijay

Open Borders, Open Doors

Equipping Leaders in Bhutan

When the pandemic hit, the Buddhist hermit kingdom of Bhutan shut its borders—and they remained closed for three long years. But recently, to the great surpise of our team, one of our Bhutanese graduates showed up in Sikkim, India with some exciting news: the border was open!

This leader, Neten*, has been hard at work since the last time we saw him. He is shepherding two house churches in Bhutan with more than 30 new believers in Christ! He arrived in Sikkim on a mission. He had a group of 25 leaders that were eager to go through our training—and they wanted to get started immediately!

We had not anticipated the reopening of the border, so our budget did not include plans for a class in Sikkim in 2023. But God faithfully provided through local Indian believers!

A local church and ministry stepped up to cover all the food and lodging costs for all of the students. Because of the generosity of these brothers and sisters, we have been able to successfully launch this new class! Now a new generation of workers is being equipped for the harvest in Bhutan.

*Name changed for security

Neten was a bodyguard to the king of Bhutan before coming to Christ. He has dedicated his life to serving the King of Kings ever since.

The state religion of Bhutan is Buddhism, and it is illegal to preach the gospel there. There are no foreign missionaries allowed, and there is not a single Bible college.

Located high in the Himalayan Mountains, Bhutan is one of the most geographically isolated countries in the world. Adding to the isolation, it banned foreigners entirely until the 1900’s and continues to maintain very tight borders today.

Prayer wheels like the ones pictured here are used by Buddhists in Bhutan in an effort to increase their merit and purify their karma. Because of Bhutanese evangelists like Neten, more people are turning to Christ!

25 Bhutanese pastors and leaders are crossing the border legally from Bhutan into neighboring Sikkim, India to participate in Global Action’s Foundations programme. Then they return to their own country to spread the gospel and lead underground house churches.

The State of Sikkim in the Himalayan region of northeastern India is almost entirely mountainous. This small but strategic state shares a border with Bhutan, Tibet, and Nepal.

About one quarter of Sikkim’s population is Buddhist. This 40m statue of the Buddha (pictured above) is located in Sikkim.

Spotlight on Latin America - with Video

Strategic Expansion into the Hard Places

It is with great excitement that we watch our work spread to new places! This month we are focusing on Latin America, where we are equipping leaders and transforming lives in seven countries. Our team includes 1 regional director, 7 country directors, 29 coordinators, and 60 teachers; all of whom are working diligently to prepare an estimated 400 students to serve their churches and communities in 2023.

As you’ll see below, we are expanding into several new areas this year. El Salvador, Ecuador—even a class in the Amazon rainforest of Peru! These students tell us Global Action is the answer to their prayers. Our classes and programmes provide theological education and instruction that isn't available through any other means. 

We always talk about equipping leaders in hard places. Today, we want to show you one example of what we mean by “hard places.” Pastor Vladimir (featured in the video below) ministers to youth in the most dangerous area of Guatemala City—Zone 18. In fact, our crew had to get permission from local gang leaders just to show up with a camera and film this story. Despite the hardships and the threats to his safety, Vladimir chooses to risk his own life to minister to one of the most vulnerable populations.

That is how we see our work at Global Action. We persevere through the hard, difficult, and even impossible to carry the Word to people and places most in need—and equip them to do the same!

Working in the hard places can mean many things. Sometimes the work is spiritually or emotionally challenging, other times it's physically taxing or even dangerous. Occasionally, it's all of these. 

Guatemala's Zone 18 is notorious for crime, drugs, and violence, much of it at the direction of gangs that have long relied on recruiting children, who receive lesser penalties if caught, to carry out their crimes. Imagine when that workforce starts to disappear because they are attending a church group instead!

Below, Pastor Vladimir shows us his work with youth in Zone 18 and how this is helping break a generational cycle of poverty and crime. More importantly, his leadership is creating future leaders to serve in one of the hardest areas.

Global Action graduate Pastor Vladimir in Guatemala is reaching youth through football -- even in one of the most infamously dangerous areas of the country.

A Witness to Truth

Freddy Munalwa was raised in a dysfunctional, polygamous home in Uganda. In his search for truth and belonging, he eventually found himself in a religious group he now recognizes as a cult. Unaware that he was being taught lies, he remained in the cult for several years until it dissolved. Thanks to the prayer and intentional witness of some local believers, Freddy soon encountered the true gospel and started down a new path.

Today, Freddy serves as a pastor in the Fountains of Grace Church in Mukono, Uganda and is a student in Global Action courses. Because of his firsthand experience with the distorted beliefs of a cult, Pastor Freddy is determined to learn all he can about the truth of Scripture so that he can use his pulpit and influence to lead people in true discipleship.

“This ministry is so meaningful to us as ministers, to our families, and for the communities we serve,” Freddy says. “There are so many false prophets and false teachings all around, but there are some people who still yearn for and need the truth. I wish for more opportunities for Global Action to take this course around the country.”

Along with his senior pastor, Freddy has planted churches in Kampala, Western Uganda, Adjumani, Mukono and surrounding areas. He oversees these branches and travels around Uganda, visiting churches and strengthening the brethren in the Word.

When you give to Global Action this Christmas season, you are helping leaders like Pastor Freddy get the theological education they need. Thank you for partnering with us!

Modelling Compassionate Leadership in Zimbabwe

Pastor Philip is one of 10 local instructors working with Global Action to equip church leaders in Zimbabwe, and he is instilling in his students the same compassion for the vulnerable that characterises his own life and ministry. His humility and love are contagious, and this is part of what makes the Foundations programme such a life-changing experience for our students.

Click the video below to see Pastor Philip's inspiring story of serving special needs children in the community—starting in his own home.

As you saw in the video, Pastor Philip’s son Blessing is severely disabled. He suffers from epilepsy as a result of meningitis he contracted when he was one year old. Today at the age of 18, Blessing is partially blind, non-verbal, and physically dependent on his family. Earlier this year Blessing became bed-ridden and is experiencing kidney failure due to the medications he has been on much of his life.

In spite of the difficulties and pain, Philip is full of joy. “I am so grateful for the family that God has given me," he says, "a family that is bonded by the challenges and the struggles that we go through.”

When Blessing was six, his family tried to enrol him in school, but he was turned down due to his disabilities. When they realised he wouldn’t be allowed in school, the family took it upon themselves to educate him. “This also opened our eyes because we later discovered we are not alone going through this challenge,” Philip said.

This led Philip and his wife to begin reaching out to other families with special needs children to provide assistance and encouragement.

“Our prayer as a family is that we have a transformation center where we reach out to these people, and they are not ashamed to bring their kids.” Philip says the transformation center will offer resources and counseling, and, thanks to his work with Global Action, a place he can share the word of God with other families in similar situations.

“We can show them how Christ loves them even in these conditions,” Philip says.