ministry leaders

Strategic International Staff Retreat

Earlier this year, our executive team, regional directors, and other Global Action staff gathered in Waco, Texas for our annual staff retreat. This was the first time all five regional directors had the joy of meeting face-to-face! Although they work across five continents, each share a unified heart of equipping local leaders to change the world for Jesus Christ. During our days together, we were privileged to share worship, fellowship, workshops, and strategic planning.

The benefits of this yearly in-person gathering are incalculable. Team relationships are strengthened, burdens are lifted in prayer, joy is multiplied in collective praise, and ministry tools are sharpened. Our regional directors oversee large teams and geographical areas, so the ever-deepening of their spiritual roots and vitality of their faith in Christ are of highest priority. The mutual edification in Christ of our Global Action team pays dividends far into eternity.

The five amazing directors in the first photo have already helped equip more than 1,700 leaders so far this year. This is the first time they have ever been together in one place! Dr. Liz Marvel led our team in discussions on learning and how we can continue ensuring that our students receive the best possible biblical education—one that will change their lives forever. Regional Directors like Igor Grishajev gave updates and shared their visions for the future in their areas. Our team enjoyed a wonderful week together—and some delicious Texas BBQ! We love our team! We are so thankful to each of our supporters for making our ministry possible.

Spotlight on Zimbabwe: Abigirl's Story

Although Abigirl Changu may seem quiet and reserved when you first meet her, her voice and eyes come alive when she begins talking about her mission. Abigirl is one of 120 students in Global Action’s Foundations leadership training program in Zimbabwe. While her journey is just beginning, her main mission right now is studying the Word and understanding it so she is better equipped to serve the people in her church and wider community.

The youngest in a family of seven, Abigirl was raised in the Roman Catholic church. Reflecting thoughtfully on her childhood, she recounts how she was taught the Bible but never invited to study it for herself. Because of this, Abigirl felt like she never really grasped the Scriptures. Upon marrying her husband Obert, she began attending a Baptist church. She felt called to go deeper in her understanding of Scripture, and this year she enrolled in one of the 22 classes Global Action is offering in Zimbabwe. Finally, the Scriptures are beginning to have real meaning in her life!

Abigirl partners with her husband, who is a pastor, to lead Bible studies and provide discipleship and counselling for church and community members. Their passion is teaching the word of God, especially to young people (including their 3-year-old daughter Nicole) and to young couples.

They carry out this work in the high-density, low-income areas of Mbare and Sunningdale, both located in the capital city of Harare. With a combined population of about 850,000 people, the unemployment rate is at a staggering 90% as families struggle to put food on the table and pay school fees for their children. Many households lack running water, and some are comprised of single mothers or grandparents taking care of children whose parents have died from HIV and AIDS.

Abigirl and Obert are passionate about reaching these communities, eager to teach others how to faithfully understand, share, and live out the Bible. With your support, Global Action is looking to start several more classes in under-served areas such as these.

“We desperately need leaders who will bring the true gospel to these communities,” explains Buhe Mativenga, Global Action’s Director in Africa. “There are many false prophets and teachers in this area, and they are not bringing lasting change to people’s lives. A group of well-trained leaders will have a transformational impact on the community.”

Join us in thanking Abigirl and Obert for their dedication! With your help, Global Action will continue to lift up leaders like them to spread God’s Word and love in Africa.